A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
After extensive research and communication with our external specialist sports PE teachers (ACE’s) we have opted to use ‘Getset4PE’ scheme throughout the school to teach PE, This scheme of work is progressive throughout the year groups and develops on previously learnt skills and knowledge, allowing pupils to achieve the aims and expectations of the national curriculum.
To ensure that PE is being taught to the highest of standards, staff are provided with opportunities to participate within structured mentoring sessions, during which they develop their PE knowledge and pedagogy, by working alongside a sports coach. These sessions take place over the course of a half term and allow teachers to become more confident within the teaching of the PE curriculum.
In order to promote the living of a healthy lifestyle, twice a week at lunch time, pupils are offered the opportunity to participate in structured sporting sessions, run by an external qualified sports coach, raising the amount of active minutes pupils are undertaking within school. Throughout the week, Sports Leaders, are available on playgrounds to run activities with pupils.
Early Years
PE is an important aspect of learning and children become more confident using gross motor skills. By the end of their time in Reception class, they will have good control and co-ordination through the completion of large and small movements. Pupils will be able to move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. Children will be able to use various pieces of apparatus. Pupils have one taught PE lessons inside focusing on dance or gymnastics. Pupils have continual access to climbing equipment, bikes, scooters, balls and a range of building materials in the outdoor provision.
Key Stage 1
P.E in Key Stage 1 aims to encourage and motivate pupils to participate in a range of sporting activities and highlight the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Pupils develop their skills across a range of areas such as dance, gymnastics and ball skills with a continuing focus towards co-ordination and teamwork as part of an annual cycle. Working alongside ACE’s sport, we provide pupils in Key Stage 1 with cross curricular learning opportunities, through the provision of TagTiv8 sessions, in which pupils develop their Maths and English skills, through physical activity, provided by qualified coaches. Pupils are invited to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities which take place weekly after school. Pupils are assessed termly so that development can be monitored.
Key Stage 2
KS2 pupils follow an annual cycle of work, which ensures that they have 2 hours of high quality P.E per week. Activities covered in Key Stage 2 include: dance, gymnastics, invasion games, health and fitness and athletics. Pupils within Year 5 participate in weekly swimming sessions at Sun Lane Swimming baths and Normanton Leisure Centre. KS2 pupils also work alongside ACE’s sport who provide pupils with Physical Activity sessions such as ‘Healthy Lifestyles’, which promotes the importance of living a healthy, active life and the benefits that this can have on pupils both physically and mentally. Alongside this we provide Sports Leader training to pupils, which allows out UKS2 pupils to run structured sporting activities at break and lunch time. Pupils within KS2 are provided with a range of interschool competitions to participate in, which possess pathways to participate in area and county finals, provided to us by ACE’s sport, in partnership with the Wakefield Active Schools. Pupils are assessed at the end of each year to monitor progression.
Extra Curricular Activity
We offer a range of after school clubs for pupils from KS1 and throughout KS2. Sporting clubs are linked with our competition calendar to provide pupils with a variety of sporting activities. Sports such as athletics, football, cheerleading, cricket and netball amongst others are just some of the afterschool clubs offered to pupils. Clubs are run by qualified coaches from ACE’s sport, who ensure that sessions are ran to the highest of standards.
Analysis of Physical Education at Snapethorpe Primary, through teacher and pupil questionnaires, conversations, data analysis and lesson observations has shown that the confidence of both staff and pupils has developed significantly. Teachers have expressed how being offered the opportunity to participate in mentoring sessions has helped them to develop their confidence within the teaching of the PE curriculum, ensuring that a better understanding of skillsets being taught is developed, alongside the ability to keep a high percentage of lesson time is ‘active’. From mentoring analysis 90% of learning time within PE mentoring sessions has been what we would class as ‘active’ learning. The implementation of a rich and varied scheme of work, has allowed pupils to participate in various sporting opportunities, developing their physical prowess in sports such as Volleyball, Football, Rounders, Tennis, Hockey, Yoga and Dance amongst others. Feedback from pupils showed that 92% of pupils rated their enjoyment of PE lessons as being positive, with the remaining 8% saying to be neither positive or negative. 87% of pupils believe that they have developed their ability within PE over the academic year with 10% stating that they were unsure. Data analysis of levels has shown that 80% of pupils are currently working at age related expectations, with 84 % of boys and 76% of girls. Pupil premium data shows 76% of pupils to be working at age related expectations.
Below you can find the whole school overview for the PE coverage per year group and the medium term plans for each unit.
ACE's Sport
As a school we work closely with ACE's, who are a sports education company, with the aim of promoting lifelong learning through sport. All staff trained in first aid, safeguarding and have degrees in Sport prior to being taught how to teach by PE Team Leader, Kyle Dench (BSc, PE QTS, MA Education). In school we have worked with ACE's to improve opportunity, structure and delivery of PE, while adapting current resources to create greater impact in lessons. Sessions ran by ACE's this academic year have been • Tagitiv8, Healthy Lifestyles, Social PE, Sport Leaders and After school Clubs. To learn more about our work with ACE's and the impact that they have had on our school please click and read the document below.
To find further information relating to learning in individual year groups, please use the year group tabs on the website homepage.