Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year  6 

Our classes this year are named after flowers;


Buttercup Class

Mr A Edwards

Mrs Welsby (TA), Mrs Grundy (TA)



Mrs S Macey,

Mrs S Walker (TA)



Mrs N Peacock

Miss M Padden (TA), Miss K Sellars (TA)

Summer 2


This half term Year 6 will be learning about Natural resources and Trade. Pupils will be learning about what a settlement needs to develop, how electricity is generated and distributed, alongside where electricity is generated in the UK. Furthermore, pupils will develop their knowledge relating to renewable sources of electricity, where our food comes from and the importance of fair trade.



In art, Year 6 will be studying the artist L.S Lowry and looking in detail at his artwork. They will be creating their own landscape in the style of L.S Lowry , whilst developing their ability to use different techniques in  the designing and making  process. Furthermore, pupils will be taught to understand the grades of threads and needles.


Year 6 are becoming publishers this half term and will be starting to create their Year book which will hold fantastic memories for them to keep.  During computing lessons, they will select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create. They will use text, photos and images to create thoughtful pages for the class book.



This half term, we will be learning more about relationships and how friendships change as we grow.  Pupils will also be learning about puberty and sex education during these sessions. Pease see the letter that your child will have brought home for further information regarding this. Letters are also available on Class Dojo to read.



Children are continuing the ‘Animals Including Humans’ topic this half term. Children will learn to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Alongside this pupils will develop the ability to  recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function and  describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.



Year  6 children will be finding out and developing theirs views on the unit ‘ How and why should religious communities do more to care for the Earth? This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth about the challenges of climate justice issues and about how different religious and spiritual ways of life can contribute to the urgent human need to stop spoiling the earth. the environment and the Earth.


Home Reading

Children will regularly bring home reading books, which will be changed in class once they have been read. Please listen to children read as much as possible and encourage them to read. It makes a huge difference to their reading progress.


Summer 1


This half term Year 6 will be continuing to learn all about developed and developing countries through the Geography theme “Africa—similar or miles apart?” The children will use what they have learnt about two contrasting countries in Africa—including their physical and human features—and to make detailed comparisons (including similarities and differences) between them and the UK.



In art, Year 6 will be studying the artist Freda Kahlo and looking in detail at her self portraits. They will be creating their own self portraits using her style after learning how to shade to create depth and tone and make accurate observational drawings.


Year 6 are becoming publishers this half term and will be starting to create their Year book which will hold fantastic memories for them to keep.  During computing lessons, they will select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create. They will use text, photos and images to create thoughtful pages for the class book.



This half term, we will be learning more about relationships and how friendships change as we grow. 



Children are continuing the ‘Living things and their Habitats’ topic this half term. Children will learn how animals are categorised and use and create keys to help them do this. They will look at similarities and differences, and give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.



Year  6 children will be finding out and developing theirs views on the unit ‘ How and why should religious communities do more to care for the Earth?’ This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth about the challenges of climate justice issues and about how different religious and spiritual ways of life can contribute to the urgent human need to stop spoiling the earth. the environment and the Earth. Pupils will develop a rich knowledge of examples, concepts, sources of wonder.



Year 6 will be improving their reading skills by applying skimming and scanning to French texts. They will also be studying a French poem linked to World War II.




Spring 1

Curriculum- History

This half term Year 6 will be learning about the Benin period in history - civilisation from over 1000 years ago. They will learn about the impact that the Benin history had on the world. They will also learn about what they believed in, the ceremonies they had and the gods who they worshipped. They will develop knowledge about why they were animists and the importance of art in their culture.



This half term pupils will explore sculpture.  We will start by analysing existing sculptures, looking closely at the materials they are made from. We will be creating our own sculptures using wire and Modroc to create a large sculpture of a person who represents them.



In computing this half term we will become coders and discover how the world wide web is built. Pupils will learn how web pages are designed, structured and presented with HTML mark ups. They will add tags, images and links to bring their web pages to life. 



In RSHE this half term children will continue to learn about the media and how it influences people during the topic living in the wider world. They will look at how media  can affect wellbeing, including thoughts, feelings and actions. They will also learn about what should and shouldn't be shared online as well as how text and images can be manipulated.



This half term our topic is ‘evolution and inheritance’. The children will learn how things have changed over time and how fossils help people to understand about the past. They will also learn about offspring and how appearance and certain characteristics can be inherited. Finally, they will learn about adaptation and how plants and animals have adapted over time and how this also leads to evolution.



In Year 6 children focus on learning through the question:‘is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?’  They will learn about the value of sacred buildings and art as well as why some religions believe charity and generosity as being so important.




This half term, children will be learning about ‘colours and food’. They will learn the vocabulary for colours and varieties of foods and then use this to describe whether a food is healthy or not. As well as this, they will apply the verb ‘to be - etre’ to write their own sentences and learn how adjectives change if they are plural.






Autumn 2

Design Technology

This half term Year 6 will be creating a Micro—bit game (electrical loop game). After completing market research, they will first design a loop game using cross sectional, detailed drawings. They will then use their science and coding knowledge to program a Micro-bit, using an electrical system in their product so that a sound is produced when an error occurs.



This half term pupils will explore collage techniques. They will practice a range of techniques, thinking carefully about the materials they use to create a desired effect. They will combine pattern, tone and shape to create a collage representing a sea or jungle animal. Due to experimenting initially, the children will be able to justify the materials they choose.



In computing this half term we will become advertisers and create a short television advert. Firstly, the children will analyse existing adverts before creating a storyboard plan. They will then use a range of digital devises to create their advert by completing rough cuts until eventually having a final piece.



In RSHE this half term children will continue to learn about Health and Wellbeing and in particular about ‘how we keep fit and healthy as we grow.’ Pupils will learn how to look after their bodies both physically and mentally as well as the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise.



This half term our topic is electricity. The children will revise building circuits and use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram. They will compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.



In Year 6 children focus on learning about what different religions say when life gets hard.  This will include thinking about out soul, reincarnation, heaven and funerals.  



Autumn 1



This half term Year 6 will be learning all about life during World War 2 in their unit on British History. They will learn about when and why is started, find out about the Blitz, rationing, propaganda and how it influenced people and What is was specifically like for children during the war. The children are already hooked and can not wait to find out more.



This year children will focus on a different artist each half term. This half term pupils will explore acrylic painting techniques thought the artist David Hockney.  They will practice a range of techniques and develop a strong understanding of colour theory and how to use it to create a balanced painting.



In computing this half term we will be using Microsoft Publisher. The children will be learning all about how to publish documents using a range of techniques after researching someone who is inspirational to them. As a class we will publish a class book off inspirational people.



In RSHE this half term children will be learning about Health and Wellbeing and in particular about ‘how we keep fit and healthy as we grow.’ Pupils will learn how to look after their bodies both physically and mentally as well as the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise.



This half term our topic is light. We will be looking at how light travels in straight lines and how we see things through a variety of experiments. We will also look at how our eyes work so that we can see things as well as shadows including what makes them and how the size of them is changed.



In Year 6 children focus on learning about Christians and Humanists through the unit ‘What matters most to Christians and Humanists? The unit enables children to learn in depth from Christianity and from Humanism, a non-religious way of life.



 During their first half term of French, pupils learn high-frequency language including numbers 0-10, greetings, and some classroom commands for routine conversation.