Year 5
Our classes this year are named after flowers;
Miss S Proctor
Miss D Northfield (TA), Mrs S Mandi-Ghomi(TA)
Miss E Kemshell,
Mrs D Roberts (TA), Mrs Cotos (TA)
Miss A Madden (Teacher)
Mrs J Mabbley(TA)
Summer 2
Our curriculum focus this half term is History. The children will be learning about the time period from when the Romans left England, to 1066. The children
will begin by learning about the Anglo-Saxons and where they came from and we will then move onto the Vikings. The children will be able to use their
knowledge from their trip to Jorvik Viking Centre to add to their learning.
This half term the children will be focusing on painting in art. They will be looking at the work of Andy Warhol and they will create their own piece in his
style using repeated images and bold colours.
In computing this half term we will be using Python Coding.
In RSHE, the children will be leaning about different jobs and careers they could look into and how to get into certain jobs. We will be considering the qualifications
needed for different jobs and start to consider what jobs they might like in the future and why they may want to do that.
This half term our topic is Living Things and their Habitats. In our previous topic, we looked at the life cycle of a human and we will use that knowledge to look at the life cycles of different animals. We will look at
the different stages of the life cycles and discuss why they are different.
In Year 5, children focus on learning about ‘Why go to places of worship?’. In this topic, children will identify the places of worship for different religions. They
will consider the features of these and they will understand their functions within the community.
This half term, children are continuing work on days of the week and months of the year. We will be reading the book “les mois de l’annee” and learning about what activities we typically do in a particular
month to produce our own writing at the end of the year about things we like to do over the year.
Summer 1
This half term the children will be focusing on sketching in their art lessons. They will be looking at facial proportions and shading. Their final product will be a
self portrait.
This half term the children will be looking at South America. They will look at key difference between living in the UK and Brazil using their knowledge of each
countries’ climate, population, land use, rivers and highest points, and learn the names of different cities and landmarks in South America.
In computing this half term we will be designing an adventure game.
In RSHE this half term children will be learning about how drugs can effect our wellbeing. In topic, children will look at legal and illegal drugs and how they effect
our physical and mental health. Children will also learn how to ask for help if they have concerns surrounding drugs and alcohol.
This half term we are continuing our topic on Living Things and their Habitats. Children will be focusing on the life cycles including the early years through to
puberty. They will also be comparing gestational periods of different mammals.
In Year 5, children focus on learning about ‘if God is everywhere, why go to places of worship?’. In this topic, children will examine different places of worship
and why they are special to different religions. We will look at different functions of places of worship and how they support believers during times of difficulty.
This half term, we will continue our work on food items whilst looking at our text, “La chenille qui fait des trous”. We will move on to looking at months of the
year and using our knowledge of food items to compose sentences explaining what foods we’d eat at different times of the year.
Spring 1
This half term Year 5 will be looking at biomes. They will look at the biomes around the world and then look in more in depth at rainforests.
The children will identify where they are found around the world and the features of a rainforest, while focusing specifically on the Amazon.
This year children will focus on a different artist each half term. This half term they will be focusing on the work of ‘Geraldine Theurot’ who uses printing techniques.
They will come up with their own designs and carve them into lino before printing them to create their final piece.
In computing this half term we will become ‘VR Designers’. Children will be exploring VR locations so they can go onto create their own.
To do this, they will create 360° images and they will learn to program objects and interactions in their VR locations. We will also look at how to link
physical objects into digital content using QR codes.
In RSHE this half term children will be learning through the question ‘how can we help in an accident or emergency?’
During the unit, children will access a workshop in school to learn how to do first aid. In class, the children will learn how to respond quickly and calmly
in an emergency. They will learn how to call 999 and the hazards to look out for if they find themselves in a hazardous situation.
This half term our topic is Earth and space. The children will be looking at the Earth and learning about its orbit. They will also learn about other
celestial bodies around the Earth. We will also look at how day and night works and why other countries have day and night at different times.
In Year 5, children focus on learning through the question ‘What would Jesus do?’ In this topic, the children will consider whether people can live by
the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century. They will look at examples of what Jesus said and how Christians today respond to the challenges of his teaching.
This half term, children will be learning about ‘colours and food’. They will learn the vocabulary for colours and varieties of foods and then use this to
describe whether a food is healthy or not. As well as this, they will apply the verb ‘to be - etre’ to write their own sentences and learn how adjectives
change if they are plural.
Autumn 2
This half term Year 5 will be making bridges. They explore the designs of different bridges in order to decide what structure they think is best before building their own.
This year children will focus on a different artist each half term. This half term pupils will explore sculpture through the artist Serena De La Hey. The children will be designing and making their own willow sculpture in the style of their artist.
In computing this half term we will be becoming ‘Web Developers’. The children will be exploring how a website is structured and how they can add content to a website.
In RSHE this half term children will be learning about ’What decisions can people make with their money?’ The children will be learning about what they can spend or save money on. They will also look at what debts and loans are.
This half term our topic is forces. The children will learn about the different forces that act upon object. They will look at gravity, air resistance and water resistance. They will be conducting experiments to test the effect of these forces on objects.
In Year 5, children focus on learning about ‘why do some people think God exists? ‘ They will learn the difference between theist, atheist and agnostic beliefs. They will then explore some Christian stories and their life experiences in order to discuss the potential impacts of believing or not believing.
Children will be continuing to learn about ‘the Hugh Street’ and they will be extending their vocabulary in this. They will then be discussing how the high street appears and changes at different times of the day. They will also listen and respond to an extended story that they will use in order to help them produce their own piece of writing