Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year  4 


This year all our classes are named after plants. 


Tulip Class

Mrs E Brandwood-Wilson

Mrs L Wallace (TA)

Mrs L Harris (TA)


Crocus Class

Miss E Seaman

Mrs Welsby (TA)

Miss C Marshall (TA)


Lavendar Class

Miss Patel 

Mrs K Osborne  (TA)

Mrs R Ridge (TA)



Summer 2




This term during art lessons, we will be focusing on the famous artist ’Monet’ . We will look at some of his most famous pieces of art and analyse how he created mood within his work. We will learn about what influenced Monet and which materials he used to create his art work. By the end of the unit we will have experimented using different types of paints and created our own landscape pictures.



In computing, we are learning how to code using Espresso Coding. Pupils will learn how computers use variables to count things and keep track of what is going on. They will then create a simple game using a count variable.



Our overall theme this half term is ‘Health and wellbeing’ with a focus on how we manage risks in the wider world. Pupils will learn how to assess and manage risks as well as learning what factors can influence the risks we take. Pupils will learn how to be safe in the wider world, such as road safety and safety in the home.



This half term, children will  learn about ‘Living things and their Habitats’.  They will learn how to group living things in a variety of ways. They will also learn how to use classification keys and will look at how environments can change and how this can be dangerous to living things.



Year 4 children will be looking at ‘Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this?’ Pupils will learn about the significant events in life and how these become part of the journey of life. We will look at events such as Marriage, Bar Mitzvah and starting university.




Pupils will be learning ‘Les mois de l’année’ (the months of the year). Pupils will learn about how to say each month of the year and will learn how to say the month their birthday is in. They will also learn that different nouns have different genders and will read the  book ‘les mois de l’année’  by Anna Milbourne.





Spring 1



This half term Year 4 will be completing a Design and Technology project. Pupils  will learn how to plan and design a torch . They will begin by evaluating different torch designs and then use what they have learnt to plan and design their own. They will also be using their previous electricity knowledge from Autumn 2 , to create a simple circuit to light up their torch. At the end of the unit pupils will evaluate their final product against their original design.



In Art this term, children will be looking at textiles for their theme. They will combining different materials to add texture to a piece of art. They will evaluate which materials work best and why. Pupils will also be taught basic sewing stitches. 



In computing, pupils will learning how to be a blogger. Pupils will look at different types of blogs and how a blog is wrote. Alongside this, pupils will learn how to stay safe online. By the end of the unit Pupils will have written  a class blog about a subject using the program Purple Mash.



Our theme is ’Health and Wellbeing’. We will be focusing on the question ’How do  we manage our feelings?’  We will be looking at how we can express our feelings and how they can change over time. Children will also  be learning how to respond proportionately and strategies to manage their emotions.



Over the next term, children will  learn about ‘Animals including Humans’. Pupils will learn about teeth and the different functions of each tooth type. They will also learn what teeth are made from and the importance of looking after them. Pupils will also learn about the digestive system. They will learn about each of the organs which contribute to the digestive system. Pupils will finish the unit by learning about food chains, including what a predator, consumer and prey are.



During RE lessons, pupils are looking at the question ‘What can religions teach us about right and wrong?’ Pupils will learn about how all religions promote treating everybody with respect. And learn about the different rules within religions.



Pupils will be learning  how  to say different festivals in French. They will compare festivals celebrated in France to the ones in England and learn how to say what they got as presents when celebrating different festivals.



Autumn 2

This half term Year 4 will be completing a geography unit about ‘Rivers and Mountains.’ Pupils will learn about famous rivers and mountains from around the world as well as learning about the features of a river and why settlements originally lived by rivers. Pupils will also have the opportunity to improve their map skills by learning how to use an atlas and how to plan a journey.

Our artist this half term is George Seurat who is famous for his use of pointillism. Pupils will use this technique to create a print design. They will also learn how to print onto different materials using different techniques.

In computing, pupils will learning how to be a meteorologist. They will learn how a weather forecast is based on data. They will use weather data collected to create their own tables and graphs in order to produce their own weather forecast.

Our theme is ‘Relationships’ We will be focusing on the question ‘How do we treat each other with respect?’ We will look at how to be polite and courteous and how our behavior can affect themselves or other people. Pupils will learn about their own rights and responsibilities. They will learn about how to respond to inappropriate behaviour and how to report any concerns they have form unwanted physical contact and behvaiour.

This half term our topic is Sound. Children will learn how sounds are made using various sounds are made. They will learn how we can affect the pitch and volume of a sound.  They will also learn how sound travels to our ears.

During RE lessons, pupils will continue to learn about ‘What it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.’

In French this half term, pupils will learn to take part in a basic conversation in French by asking questions such as a persons age, name and favourite colour.