Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year 1 

This year all our class names are based on plants.




Miss B McDermott

Mrs Carter (TA), Miss P Illingworth (TA)


Miss Perry (teacher)

 Mrs J Howard(TA), 


Daisy Class 

 Mrs Spooner

 Mrs  H Felkin (TA)



Spring 2 


During this half term, the children will be learning about collage in their art lessons. They will learn about different shapes and understand how to place and layer shapes they create with different materials. They will look at the work of Mondrian as part of these lessons and will learn how he created his abstract collages.



In computing this half term we will be learning how to be ‘TV chefs’. Children will learn how to film the steps of children following a recipe. Then learn how to use this video to create a short film.



Our theme is ‘Relationships’ this half term.

Year 1 will be focusing on the question ‘Who is special to us?’ As part of this unit children will learn to talk about who the important people are to them. 

The children will be learning about how families are different but what common features they share. They will also learn about what trusted adults they have within school that they can share any worries or thoughts with.



Year 1 will be learning about the topic ‘Materials’ in Science. They will be focusing on learning how to identify and name a range of materials. They will also learn about the properties that materials have and group them according to their physical properties.



Year 1 children will be finding out ‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’



Children in year 1 will be starting the topic, ‘Under the Sea’. They will learn to sing a short song from memory and practice playing instruments expressively


Autumn 2


This half term, Year 1 will be completing a geography unit about the United Kingdom. The children will learn about the 4 countries of the UK and the 3 seas.  They will also learn about different geographical features such as ports, farms, towns, villages and cities. 



During this half term, the children will be learning about painting in their art lessons. They will learn about primary and secondary colours and understand the difference between warm and cold colours. They will look at the work of Van Gogh as part of these lessons and will learn to express their feelings through their painting and interpret objects through painting.



In computing this half term we will be continuing to learn how to use a keyboard, using a website called Dance Mat Typing. The children will be learning to recognise the keys and where letters and numbers are on a keyboard.



Our theme is ‘health and wellbeing’ this half term. Year 1 will be focusing on the question ‘What helps us stay healthy?’ As part of this unit we will learn about keeping our body and mind healthy. The children will be learning what it means to be healthy, how to have a healthy lifestyle and who helps us to stay healthy.  We will look at healthy diets and healthy routines such as exercise and good hygiene.  We will also learn about people that help us stay healthy such as doctors and the dentist.




Year 1 will be continuing the  topic ‘Animals including humans’ in Science. They will be focusing on animals this half term. They will be sorting animals into their classes such as birds, mammals and reptiles. They will also look at what carnivores, omnivores and herbivores are.



Year 1 children will be finding out ‘How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?’



Children in year 1 will be starting the topic, ‘Animals’. They will learn to sing a short song from memory and practice playing instruments expressively


Autumn 1



This half term, Year 1 will be learning all about ‘toys in the past’. The children will learn about changes within living memory. They will look at toys their grandparents played with and how they are different to their own. They will also look at the materials used to make the toys and how they’ve changed over time. They will also learn the main differences between their school days and their grandparents.



During this half term, the children will be learning about drawing in their art lessons. They will be developing their skills and expressing their feelings through drawing and creating moods in their drawings to show how people feel. They will also experiment with lines of different thickness and using a light and dark tone with their pencil. They will use these skills to draw an object looking carefully at the lines and shapes.



This half term in computing, Year 1 we will be learning to switch  and log on/off the laptops. They will be practicing the skill of typing and clicking on items also.



Our theme is ‘relationships’ this half term. Year 1 will be focusing on the question ‘What is the same and different about us?’ The children will be learning what they like/dislike and what they are good at. They will learn what makes them special and how everyone has different strengths. They will identify how they are similar and different to others. They will also learn the correct names for parts of the body, including external genitalia and that parts of the body covered by underwear are private.



Year 1 will be starting the  topic ‘Animals including humans’ in Science. We will be learning about different body parts and how we use our senses. We will also be looking at the seasonal changes which are happening around us as Autumn arrives.



Year 1 children will be finding out ‘Who is a Christian and what do they believe?’ They will learn some simple ideas about Christian beliefs, read some stories that show what Christians think about God and talk about some of the issues of good and bad that arise from these stories.



Children in year 1 will be starting the topic, ‘All about me’. They will learn about pulse and rhythm and how to clap and play in time to a beat. They will also play simple rhythms on an instrument.