Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Snowdrop Class 

 Miss S Pamment 

Mrs K Schofield (Nursery Nurse) 

Mrs A Dzwigala (TA)

Mrs L Dudley (TA)


Autumn 1


This half term our theme is ‘Once Upon A Time.’

We will be learning about different Traditional Tales, where we will retell the stories through roleplay and props. There will be lots of opportunities for the    children to create and make pictures using paint and different collage materials.

 Our books of the week will include: Little Red Riding, Hansel and Gretel,  The Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

The children will be singing counting rhymes and exploring ideas of shape, space and measure within our areas of provision both inside and outside.


Prime Areas of Learning

We will be focusing on Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development.           

Opportunities to support your child’s development in these are primarily embedded in the continuous    provision provided and are then enhanced by the  gentle guidance and support of the practitioners in the setting. The teaching of daily phonics develops early listening and attention skills and your child’s  participation in group time will support them in making relationships and help them to grow in       confidence.


Welcome to our September starters.

We hope you like our Nursery. We have lots of resources to support your child’s learning.


 General Information

Nursery session times:

Morning children: 8.35am—11.35am.

Afternoon children: 12.20pm—3.20pm.

Attendance is very important for the children’s learning. Please ensure your child is at school for the start of their Nursery session.


Please ensure your child’s jumper, cardigan, coat and shoes are labelled with your child’s name to ensure your child brings their items back home with them.


If you think that your child might have an accident in school, then please send them with a spare change of clothes in their bag.


Ways to help your child


As we head into Winter, we ask that your child brings a warm coat, hat, gloves and a scarf to school as we learn outdoors whatever the weather and we want your child to be warm and comfortable. 

 In Nursery we aim to promote independence.

You can help at home by encouraging your child to independently put on their coat and shoes.


Please note that children are not permitted to bring toys or teddies into school as these can get broken or lost and we don't want the children to get upset if this happens.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Haigh, Miss Pamment, Mrs Schofield and Mrs Dzwigala



You will by now have all received your copy of the book.

Please share this regularly with your child.

When you are familiar with the text please click the link below for some fantastic ideas on how to support your child's learning across the curriculum using the book as a stimulus!

